
Course Information

Health Assessment for Nursing Pract (NURS 206)

Term: 2023-2024 School Year Spring Term


Cheryl Smith
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Wed, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (3/18/2024 - 5/9/2024) Location: MAIN ZETHS Z229


This course is designed to educate the nurse of the skills needed for health assessment of their patients. They will learn history taking, psychosocial assessment, and physical assessment techniques and skills necessary to obtain data. They will learn that this data collection is significant to understanding the patient as a whole, and individualizing their care. A base of health assessment knowledge prepares the nurse for exceptional understanding of the patient condition. This course will focus on skills and techniques to be applied to patients of all ages. The course includes lecture and discussion of the various systems of the body. There will also be skills demonstration by the instructor and time set aside in each class for lab skills practice.