Helpful Reminders and Links for LCC’s Writers of Research Papers

Helpful Reminders and Links for LCC’s Writers of Research Papers

Every time you find a source using an online database, be sure to record enough information to complete an entry on the Works Cited page. Not all information will always appear on a printed copy of the source. Here are the elements of the entry that you must have:

  • Author
  • Title of the article or webpage
  • Publication information, including full date and page numbers, of articles, essays, or stories that appear in print
  • Title of the periodical (magazine, newspaper, or journal) or website
  • Date of publication or update for articles, essays, or stories that appear only on the web
  • Name of the database used to view or to acquire a copy of an article, essay, or story
  • Date that an article, essay, or story was accessed on the web

    Also, remember when you receive a source using interlibrary loan, to be sure to record enough information to complete an entry on the Works Cited page and to print out the pages that you use in your paper.

    Here are two good webpages that provide documentation guidelines for citing your sources: